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SuDS Attenuation Flow Control Regulators
The purpose of SuDS attenuation flow control is to limit the peak discharge generated from a development site during a storm in order to prevent flooding downstream. The difference between the inflow and outflow during the storm determines the balance of storage volume required. The SuDS attenuation volume assessment and drainage assessment typically forms part of the planning condition.
Drainage Flow Control devices, regulators and restrictors fall into one of the following categories:
Orifice Flow Regulator : An orifice, as the name suggests, is a simple hole which throttles the flow. The outflow is dependent on the height of water acting on the orifice also referred to as the driving head. Typically these are suitable on larger sites as it difficult for an orifice to achieve low flow without resulting in a small diameter which may result in blockage. They may be suitable for sites which have upstream screening or debris management which limits the blockage risk to the orifice.
Floating Orifice Flow Regulator: The elegance of the floating orifice is that the head above the orifice is fixed and so the outflow is fixed and unrelated to the inflow (after initial filling). The added benefit is that since the orifice sits below the water surface, the orifice is not subject to blockage from floating debris. Likewise a floating orifice can be much larger than a standard orifice, since the head does not vary, and so blockage risk is reduced.
Vortex Flow Regulator: This type of device generates a vortex in the outflow of the water. This vortex in turns impedes the outflow. The benefit of this type of device is the inlet to the vortex can be quite large compared to a standard orifice . For example the outflow diameter on a vortex flow could be twice that of a standard orifice but still generate the same outflow or allowable discharge. A larger opening reduces the blockage risk. FlowBrake is an example of a a Vortex Flow Regulator.
Submersible lift pump: In some cases a restricted gravity discharge cannot be achieved to a sewer and so flow control can be achieved by using a variable speed submersible pump which can be calibrated on site. Alternatively, a standard submersible pump can be used which feeds a chamber with flow control downstream. On site commissioning should be performed to ensure the downstream chamber does not surcharge (overflow).

FlowBrake SuDS Attenuation Tank Orifice Plate
*Bespoke Orifice, diameter to be supplied upon order. Lead time 2 weeks. Non-returnable* As the name suggests the FlowBrake Orifice allows a simple orifice control and is suitable in situations where a varying a peak discharge condition is permitted. The orifice plate is fabricated from PVC and the orifice designed and fabricated in accordance w...

Stainless Steel Vortex Flow Control Device
*Please note these are built to order - lead time 7-10 working days* *Curved mounting price assumes 1200mm chamber or smaller. For larger chambers, flows or head please get in touch* Vortex Flow Control devices are devices used downstream of attenuation systems. They operate by generating a vortex flow path within the device which in turn imped...

Oriflo Flow Control 300mm ø Chamber P Series
**Flow rate and head must be provided via email upon purchase** The Oriflo range is a series of Orifice Flow Control Chambers accommodating a range of flow rates 300mm diameter, pre-assembled flow control chamber, delivered ready to install The P models are classed as unprotected orifice chambers and are specifically designed for installation do...

FlowBrake SuDS Attenuation Tank Floating Outflow Regulator with strainer
FlowBrakeTM fixed head orifice SuDS flow regulator with strainer. If you require a SuDS flow regulator with an open orifice please see this product. This product is suitable where there is no or low upstream filtration. Turn any tank into an attenuation tank using this smart device. The floating intake ensures there is a fixed level of wate...

Oriflo Flow Control 450mm ø Chamber P Series
**Flow rate and head must be provided via email upon purchase** The Oriflo range is a series of Orifice Flow Control Chambers accommodating a range of flow rates 450mm diameter, pre-assembled flow control chamber, delivered ready to install The P models are classed as unprotected orifice chambers and are specifically designed for installation do...

Vortiflo Vortex Flow Control Chamber
*POA, head and flow required to price correctly* **Please note these are built to order - lead time 10-15 working days** ***The Vortiflo range is not supplied with a cover*** Vortiflo Vortex Flow Control Chambers are specifically designed for controlling the flow of storm water from large volume attenuation systems, preventing downstream floodin...

SuDS attenuation lifting pump set
Occasionally storage required for SuDS attenuation can not be provided in such away which allows gravity drainage to the surface water drain. In this case, a pump will be required to lift the water from the attenuation storage to a point of free gravity discharge into the sewer. This submersible pump can be arranged with a downstream flow cont...

Vortiflo Complete Vortex Flow Control Chamber 1050mm
The new VORTIFLO 1050mm Flow Control Chamber range features the innovative new FlowBrake® Maxi - Vortex flow control, which is integrated into the outlet manifold of the chamber. The outlet manifold is also fitted with a Ø110mm overflow pipe, designed to operate in the unlikely event of blockage. The Flow Brake Maxi has been meticulously designe...

SuDS drainage Variable Orifice Choke Drain Chamber
Orifice Flow Control is a form of flow control used commonly in SuDS applications. Orifice flow control chambers are used at the most downstream point of a SuDS drainage system to throttle the flow. Where an orifice is less than 40mm it is typical to use silt and debris control upstream of the SuDS feature to prevent blockage. Feat...

Oriflo Protected Flow Control 600mm Ø Chamber C Series
**Flow rate and head must be provided via email upon purchase** The Oriflo range is a series of Orifice Flow Control Chambers accommodating a range of flow rates Within the Oriflo range we have our protected orifice chambers that features a 100% recycled thermoplastic block (blok). This blok is installed into our rotational moulded chambers forc...

FlowBrake SuDS Attenuation Tank Floating Outflow Regulator (Open Orifice)
FlowbrakeTM fixed head open orifice SuDS flow regulator. If you require a SuDS flow regulator with a strainer please see this product. This product is suitable were there is an upstream filtration (basket filter) present since no filtration is provided at the orifice. Turn any tank into an attenuation tank using this smart device, a simple alt...

Mountable Vortex Flow Control FlowBrake Maxi
The Vortiflo FlowBrake is designed to control the rate of water that passes through an attenuation tank, SuDS basin or SuDS pond. Its primary function is to slow down the flow rate of water, reducing the peak rate and ensuring a controlled release. The use of the Vortiflo FlowBrake downstream of an attenuation tank ensures that the release of st...

Oriflo Flow Control 600mm ø Chamber P Series
**Flow rate and head must be provided via email upon purchase** The Oriflo range is a series of Orifice Flow Control Chambers accommodating a range of flow rates 600mm diameter, pre-assembled flow control chamber, delivered ready to install This model has a rotational moulded chamber base with 160mm, 225mm or 300mm main channel socket connectio...

SuDS Attenuation Tank Floating Outflow Restrictor 0.05-2l/s (Open Orifice)
If you require a SuDS flow regulator with a strainer please see this product. This product is suitable were there is an upstream filtration (basket filter) present since no filtration is provided at the orifice. Turn any Platin or Carat tank into an attenuation tank using this smart device, a simple alternative to other more complex attenuatio...

Mountable Vortex Flow Control FlowBrake Midi
The Vortiflo FlowBrake is designed to control the rate of water that passes through an attenuation tank, SuDS basin or SuDS pond. Its primary function is to slow down the flow rate of water, reducing the peak rate and ensuring a controlled release. The use of the Vortiflo FlowBrake downstream of an attenuation tank ensures that the release of st...

Vortiflo Midi Complete Vortex Flow Control 600mm Ø Chamber
£1,599.00 £3,589.00
The Vortiflo Complete Vortex Flow Control 600mmØ Chamber is a compact flow control chamber placed downstream of attenuation tanks. The VORTIFLO 600mm Flow Control Chamber range features the innovative new FlowBrake® Midi- Vortex flow control, which is integrated into the outlet manifold of the chamber. This version of the FlowBrake has a range...

Non-Return Valve chamber 1050mm
Downstream of any surface water attenuation or rainwater harvesting system a non-return valve chamber is highly recommended. The benefit of the non-return chamber is that it prevents flow in the downstream network to impact or backflow into the Rainwater or surface water system. This is particularly pertinent if the downstream network is a combi...

Vortiflo Complete Vortex Flow Control Chamber 300 and 450mm
The Vortiflo range is a series of Vortex Flow Control Chambers accommodating a range of flow rates available in 300mm and 450mm diameter, pre-assembled flow control chamber, delivered ready to install The VFCC300 and VFCC450 model are designed for flow rates up to 2.1 L/sec dependent on design head The larger diameter models in the Vortiflo rang...

Oriflo Flow Control 1050mm ø Chamber P Series
**Flow rate and head must be provided via email upon purchase** The Oriflo OFCP1050 is classed as an unprotected orifice plate – flow control chamber. Designed to support SuDS management and the sewer infrastructure, as part of a designed attenuation system, helping prevent flooding by controlling the flow into the main sewer.1200mm diameter, si...

Oriflo Protected Flow Control 1050mm Ø Chamber C Series
**Flow rate and head must be provided via email upon purchase** The Oriflo range is a series of Orifice Flow Control Chambers accommodating a range of flow rates Within the Oriflo range we have our protected orifice chambers that features a 100% recycled thermoplastic block (blok). This blok is installed into our rotational moulded chambers forc...

Non-Return Flap Valve chamber 600mm
Downstream of any surface water attenuation or rainwater harvesting system a non-return valve chamber is highly recommended. The benefit of the non-return chamber is that it prevents flow in the downstream network to impact or backflow into the Rainwater or surface water system. This is particularly pertinent if the downstream network is a combi...

Non-Return Flap Valve chamber 450mm
Downstream of any surface water attenuation or rainwater harvesting system a non-return valve chamber is highly recommended. The benefit of the non-return chamber is that it prevents flow in the downstream network to impact or backflow into the Rainwater or surface water system. This is particularly pertinent if the downstream network is a combi...

Vortex flow control shaft VS-Control flex M
The vortex flow control shaft can regulate flows of up to 65 l/s. The vortex flow control shaft VS-Control External is ideal for retention systems fitted with EcoBloc elements or retention tanks. Continuously variable installation depth of 985 mm – 6500 mm (38.8" – 21' 4") Minimal height offset between the inlet and the outlet (315 mm (12.4") V...