Billinge Family Church - Combined Rainwater and Storm Water Solution
Billinge Family Church - combined Rainwater and Storm Water solution

Bilinge Family Church approached Freeflush Rainwater Harvesting to deal with stormwater management on their site as part of their wider Church extension development. The existing issue concerned an existing soakaway serving a hardstanding area over 1,000m2. The soakaway was not performing optimally resulting in boggy ground conditions. Billinge Family Church saw the opportunity whilst considering stormwater management improvements for a rainwater harvesting solution to be incorporated into the scheme to feed the 14 toilets on site.
Freeflush provided the client with a comprehensive options appraisal which included:
- a combined stormwater/rainwater harvesting tank with grit separation
- a series combined stormwater/rainwater harvesting tanks with grit separation
- a series combined stormwater/rainwater harvesting tanks with grit and oil separation
- a separate stormwater and rainwater harvesting system
The preferred solution was a separate stormwater and rainwater harvesting system. Freeflush provided the designs for a range of storm durations and intensities, supplied all rainwater related products and installed the system.